Thursday, April 22, 2010

Group Intro (The future world sport leaders)

Ralph Pczw!
Sheril Nadia!


Social Political Economical Religious Media/moral
Social (+)
For example, the upcoming Youth Olympic Games will bring together youths from around the world. People with differing cultures and backgrounds will be made to come together and this will breed a sense of interest regarding other cultures; people will learn to live and communicate with others who do not share a common background and way of life with them.
Yet there will be that minority who instead of treating the culture exchange as a learning experience, will use it against others in an attempt to make mockery at the differences among each other. These instances will not only expand the social and cultural gap but may also sow international discord. (-) There are times where countries are facing political disagreements and sports can cause these disagreements to get more vehement. One example is the conflict between Honduras and El Salvador. The war broke out over a World Cup qualifying match, taking place during an already heated international dispute. This dispute killed an estimated 3000 people. (+)
Major sporting events which bring together a multitude of sportsmen and women will generate revenue for the host country, through means such as heightened tourism rates and increased consumer spending.
Exposure to people of different nationalities can birth out a religious tolerance and open-mindedness which contributes to the forging of harmonious ties.
(Likewise) Discord is sowed when religious practices and routines are not respected. (+)
It is in the nature of the media to expose and iterate the happenings between events such as international sport meet. Because of its ability to reach the masses, unforeseen rivalry on the competition front will leave a lasting negative impression on the public that the idea of hosting sports events only brings about hostility/more problems.
Political Sports can help countries solve political differences and help them share a common understanding. By doing so, they will be able to have a social advantage. An example of this is when Iran played the United States in the 1998 world cup finals. The match was preheated with much excitement because of each country's political stance after the Iranian revolution. However, in an act of defiance against all forms of hatred or politics in sports, both sides presented one another with gifts and flowers and stood together (+)
Individuals, countries and political groups can use sporting events as a platform for achieving its political goals. One such example is the 1968 Olympics, which Tommie Smith and John Carlos used to show the world the plight of the African-American struggle during the civil rights movement in their home country. (black power salute) -NA- -NA- In sports, it is very important that teams uphold good moral values and abide to the rules of the game. By doing so, it can help teams and countries share a common understanding and communicate better. An example of this was the Soccer war.
Economical (+)
Hosting major sporting events such as the Olympics can help boost the economy of the host country and will also make the host country widely recognized.
Major sporting events such as the Olympics are a platform for exploitation of money. Men with power can easily rig elections and this might lead to corruption. (+)
Host countries will generate revenue with the influx of tourists and contestants of other nationalities. -Na- (+)
Sporting events in modern society are a million dollar commodity. Plenty of money can be made from media contracts, sponsorship, ticket sales and tourism.
Racial (+)
Sporting events can often bring players, officials and fans of different races to come together. This can help people learn more about different races and develop a mutual understanding and respect for different races. (-) Intensity in sports can often lead to players and supporters to become too ardent and allow their emotions to get the better of them. As such, in hope of offending and causing players to lose concentration in their matches, supporters might resort to racially abusing the players. -Na- -Na- (+)
The media plays a huge role in influencing fans and supporters of different races. When the media reports of positive social gestures between players, this can influence fans to follow their sporting idols footsteps and in turn, show respect for other races. Also, when the media reports of racial abuse during sporting events, they often report about the punishments given. As such, fans and players realize that racial abuse is not taken lightly and they will prevent carrying out such actions.
Moral (+)
In sports, moral values are often called into play. Good sportsmanship and etiquette fosters relations among competitors and these social ties will go a long way in promoting inter-country harmony. (+)
Using media as a visual medium to capture sportsmanship that the participants are portraying during the events, allows the public to understand and respect their fellow competitors, viewers as well as the event itself.

When it comes to sports, especially contact sports, fights are inevitable. Be it amongst the players or the spectators. Unfortunately with the presence of the Media, it captures these moments instantaneously. Rowdy crowds showed their frustration through violence and throwing blows at each other. If it is not put to a halt, it will spread throughout every viewers and spectators. Players deny the decision of the umpires/referees, portraying their rebel side. This will show that moral values are not very well displayed and viewers as well as spectators would practice violence in every matches/games they attend to.


Does sport create international undertsanding and harmony?

1. Does sport cause more international conflicts or understandings?

2. How has sport created international understanding and harmony?

3. How is sport associated to international understanding and harmony?

Does sport contribute to international understanding and harmony?




Major sporting events often allow players, officials and fans of different countries to come together to learn more about other countries. People will learn to live and communicate with others who do not share a common background and way of life with them.

When rivalries between sporting oppositions get to intense and fiery, players often allow their emotions to get the better of them and this might lead to rowdy behaviors. This will lead to international disharmony and discord.


Sport is often used as a political tool to enhance diplomatic relations between two entities. The intention is sometimes to bring about radical change.

As displayed by Adolf Hitler, sports can also be used to promote negative political ideologies.



Sports have often been used as a platform to prevent “anti-racism”. Such movements often receive support from many societies.

Racism in sport is a problem which is manifest around the world. It has led to controversial incidents which have been reported by the media. Racism in sport includes the abuse of players, officials and fans because of their skin color, nationality or ethnicity. There have been many efforts to eradicate racism from sport.


In the event violent and inappropriate behavior occurs, the media will exaggerate the incident and put the blame on sports. As such, the public might get influenced and they will feel sports destroy international understanding and harmony.

Social Con-October 26 – In the Olympic soccer final, Bulgarian fans threw various objects onto the field in the 44th minute with Hungary leading 2–1 to protest the officiating after three Bulgarian players, Tzevan Dimtriov, captain Kiril Ivkov and Atanas Christov were ejected, causing a 15 minute delay; Dimtriov and Ivkov had been booked before the match for a fight in the tunnel with Hungarian players. Dimtriov was ejected for a dangerous tackle on Hungarian striker Antal Dunai while he was taking a shot at goal, as was Ivkov immediately after for arguing with the referee. As Dimitriov and Ivkov were making their way off the pitch, Christov picked up the ball and drop-kicked it towards the referee in protest, and was promptly ejected. With Bulgaria down to eight men for the second half, Hungary won the match and the gold medal 4–1.

Racial Con-In February 2005, Samuel Eto'o suffered from racially-driven verbal abuse by some Real Zaragoza spectators during a match for FC Barcelona. The fans began making monkey-like chants whenever Eto'o had possession of the ball and peanuts were hurled onto the pitch. Eto'o threatened to leave the pitch in the middle of the game, but was prevented by the intervention of his team-mates and the referee, who rushed to the pitch to calm him down. His teammate Ronaldinho, who has suffered similar abuses but less intensely, said he was fed up with the sounds and that if Eto'o had left the pitch, he would have done the same. As Barcelona won 4-1, Eto'o danced like a monkey, saying rival fans were treating him as a monkey.

Political con-Going as far back as the 1936 Olympics, Adolf Hitler used this as a stage to promote Aryan superiority for Germany with his ideological belief of racial supremacy. The Olympics were used as a method of hardening the German spirit and instilling unity among German youth. It was also believed that sport was a "way to weed out the weak, Jewish, and other undesirables. As a result, many Jews and Gypsies were banned from participating in sporting events. While Germany did top the medal table, the Nazi depiction of ethnic Africans as inferior was dispelled by Jesse Owens' gold medals in the 100m, 200m, 4x100m relay and long jump events.

Political pro- on September 6, 2008, Armenia and Turkey faced each other in a 2010 FIFA World Cup qualification match in Yerevan. In an unprecedented step, Turkish president Abdullah Gul was invited to watch the match, where the presidents of Turkey and Armenia sat together, albeit behind bullet-proof glass

Racial pro- Show Racism the Red Card (SRTRC) is an anti-racism education charity, established in England in January 1996 to harness the high profile nature of footballers as anti-racist role models to educate against racism throughout society in the United Kingdom.

3+2 Essay Plan

Our stand: Yes, sports DO contribute to international understanding and harmony.
Social: International sporting events such as the Olympic Games and the Youth Olympic Games do contribute to international understanding and harmony as it brings competitors, officials and supporters of different backgrounds together. People will get the opportunity to interact with many people whom they will otherwise not get the chance to communicate with. (For)

Racial: Sporting events brings about many people from different races and religion together. This can help them build mutual respect and understanding for each other due to the exposure and interaction they have with each other. (For)

Moral: All sports encourage competitors to show good sportsmanship and etiquette and foster good relationships with other competitors. This in turn will help to bond people from different countries together and also help in promoting international harmony. One example is C Kunalan. During his long and illustrious career as one of the most successful track and field athlete in Singapore, he made many friends and formed long and lasting friendships with many other competitors from other countries.

Racial: However, some people might not be used to the exposure to the different races and cultures. Therefore, some people might behave insensitively and unknowingly offend certain religions or race. (Against)

Social: Sports can cause a lot of unnecessary tension and hostility between supporters from different teams. This can lead to fights between the supporters of rival teams. One example is at the December 2001 Champions League match between AS Roma and Liverpool in which four Liverpool fans were stabbed. (Against)

Does sport contribute to international understanding and harmony?